Just Write About It
By Bridget Cook ’14
When I first began my time with The Warrior, I had no expectation that it would influence my life at all. I have always been extremely shy and anxious, and I heard some major doubt from certain people upon joining. Was I going to be okay interviewing people? I was going to have to talk to people, did I know that? Honestly, I was completely intimidated when I walked into my first day of journalism, but I knew I wanted to leave a mark on this school in some way, and newspaper seemed the least embarrassing out of all my options for extracurriculars. Joining a club required lots of social interaction and recruiting, playing a sport required being seen running around constantly (as well as actually having athletic ability, which I’ve never had), and theatre… no way. Newspaper sounded like a great choice because I didn’t have to perform in front of anyone or talk constantly. Of course I would have to talk some, but I could just suck it up to do what I did best, write.
Newspaper became an outlet that let me share my interests and opinions with hundreds of people. It felt great to be part of a team, and I was contributing something to the school in the best way I knew how. Yes, I did have to talk to people. Yes, I did get scared and embarrassed over it, but I always overcame it because newspaper was my excuse. Having a reason to talk to people made it easier, and over time it got less intimidating. I still get anxious when I have to talk, but I always think of the feeling I get when I see “Bridget Cook ‘14” above a news story and let it be my motivation.
I’m so glad I decided to join newspaper despite my initial worry. I have loved being able to seek out information for my news stories, write my opinions and serve as a managing photographer. Though I have been here for all four years of my high school career, I still get excited when I see my name in print, and that always beats out feelings of uneasiness. I have never been much of a talker, but through newspaper I was able to say everything I ever wanted.