Great Art Room Disaster
by Helen Schmitt ‘15
As a result of malfunctions with the heater in the studio art room G135, flooding and steam recently crept in through the classroom, causing inconveniences for many students and teachers alike. Studio art classes were forced to move into empty rooms lent by teachers with no class for the period. A few pieces of art were steamed and crinkled, and posters, teacher visuals, mat boards and furniture had to dry out. Many things were irreparable due to the extreme humidity from the steam.
While the Studio Art 1 class was able to utilize photography teacher Debra Bernhardt’s room F130, with suiting tables and sufficient space, the Studio Art 2 and 3 classes weren’t as lucky. They were loaned music teacher Alex Silverbook’s room E148, which provided less space. Despite the most recent struggle, everything was fixed and returned. Room G135 was provided new tiles and a heater.
“I believe they handled it quite well. Mr. Allrich paid a visit to one of the classes extending his support and recognition that the students are being flexible working under less than adequate conditions,” said art resource teacher Angela Praisner. “Some AP students were a bit upset having to re-work and re-mat their pieces in preparations for the AP Exam in May.”