Students Volunteer for Army of Darkness

By Haley Whitt ‘15

Imagine crouching behind a bush, waiting for your victim to pass you. You jump out from your spot at just the perfect moment and let out a vicious yell. Your victim’s scream and face contorts into an expression of terror as you hear their shrill screams. Now, imagine the satisfaction you would feel on the inside that you have done your job at scaring the crud out of that person.

Field of Screams is a horrorfest that features attractions such as haunted trail, hayride, house and even an event where the customers are able to shoot zombies with paintballs. Many students at Sherwood have volunteered to dress up as clowns, insane asylum patients and hillbillies with chainsaws, among other characters. The volunteers are awarded with community service hours. As a whole group, the actors are called the “Army of Darkness.”

For the third year in a row, senior Patrick Gentry will be at Field of Screams as a chainsaw wielding hillbilly. “At first I worked there for the service hours, but once I started to work with my friends, it became fun and something to look forward to every year,” said Gentry. He also mentions that his favorite way to scare people is with the chainsaw, obviously. “Just about everyone is scared of the sound and vibration on the hayride.”

Although costumes are provided, Gentry prefers to wear his own overalls and flannel shirt for his hillbilly costume. “They also have chainsaws for us, but I bring my own as well. They’re all very real. We just take the chain off for obvious reasons,” said Gentry.

For her second year in a row, junior Jacky Mueck will be participating in the Field of Screams. Normally, Mueck dresses as an insane asylum victim or FBI agent. “It seemed to be a really fun way to make friends and earn hours,” said Mueck. Her favorite way to scare the customers is by screaming when they least expect it.

Mueck prefers the costumes provided because she feels that they are usually better than whatever she could come up with herself. “I especially love getting my makeup done because it is so cool to see what the makeup artists think about the role and how they want me to look for a certain part,” said Mueck.