Preferred Music Genres Linked to Certain Personalities

by Katie Mercogliano ’14

Nowadays, looking at the music in someone’s iPod can be as revealing as looking into their diary. What music one listens to is an immensely important facet of their identity. But can taste in music really predict someone’s entire personality? According to several recent studies, the answer is yes.

From classical to electronic dance, music can accurately predict numerous personality traits in people, concludes a study. The aspects of personality traits studied were creativity, self-esteem, social skills, intelligence and ease. Many of the traits were shared between different genres, creativity being the most prominent among the bunch. Pop or ‘Top 40’ music was the only group to be deemed less likely to be creative.

An unexpected pattern was found in those who listen to rap, country and electronic dance music. To most, those genres could not be further from each other on the music spectrum. But psychologists found that all three are listened to by people who are outgoing, assertive and that have high self-esteem.

A less-shocking distinction is seen between classical and rock/heavy metal fans. Both tend to be introverted, but the likeness stops there. Classical music listeners are generally at ease and have high self-esteem, while rock/ heavy metal listeners are usually quiet, gentle and have low self-esteem.

The most intelligent individuals were found to like indie and jazz, blues and soul music. Those who listen to indie music tend to be introverted, less hard-working, less gentle, passive, anxious and have lower self-esteem. Jazz, blues and soul listeners were also intellectual, but were most likely to be extroverted, with high self-esteem and at ease.

Music is a very important aspect of many people’s lives and can determine and transform  much more than one’s personality. Music influences emotion, style and some even say political views.