What’s Your Major?
by Julianne Maxwell ’13
The redundant question I have been faced with all senior year is still playing over again in my head. My decision to major in broadcast journalism did not come easy. The only things I learned about myself from high school are that I get bored way too easily and I am pretty good at reading aloud. I could never sit in an office all day and I definitely could not make it through medical school. I have a somewhat pathetic dream of becoming famous and being on television, but I am not very good at acting. So what’s left? Television host.
It seems thrilling to me to interview celebrities and walk the red carpet alongside famous actors and actresses. I want to be in on the action asking a starlet who she is wearing and what awards she is nominated for. The idea of being in the studio in front of a camera with immense pressure of not messing up my lines does not seem like a boring job to me. I would love the exhilaration involved with being seen by millions of viewers each day. The job as an entertainment news host seems like the job that could keep me interested for years, because each day there is something new to cover and a different celebrity to interview. It involves my dream of becoming famous and on television with the excitement that I need to keep me from being bored. A perfect fit!
I know this is not an easy job to obtain but I enjoy the surprise on people’s faces when I tell them of my major and dream profession. I aspire to make my vision a reality as I am continually researching exceptional broadcasting schools and internships. Hosting on Warrior Wake Up live has only kept me chomping at the bit to start my career as a real host. I have learned so much already about hosting and work behind the camera and I cannot wait to learn more. I look forward to the day I launch my career as a renowned television host. Don’t be surprised if you see me on screen one day.