Campus Clean-Up and Mulch Sale

by Lucy Hurlbut ‘14

All parents and students are invited to participate in this year’s Sherwood campus clean-up, which will be held on Sunday, March 17, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Participants will need to bring gardening tools and weed whackers in order to work on the fields and flower beds. Large green contractor-size trash bags are greatly appreciated for picking up debris. Students will have the opportunity to earn SSL hours if they choose to participate. Water will be available.

In addition to the campus clean-up, there will be a mulch sale going on the same day, and for the first time ever, customers will be able to order mulch online. The price is $5.25 per 3 cubic feet bag and driveway deliveries are available with a ten bag minimum and a $10 fee. The delivery orders must be placed by March 15. To order online, visit