The Love of My Life

by Maria Claudi Garcia-Rada ’13

Dear Diary,

Forget what I said in the previous pages; this time I’ve found love. It’s been two days since I started dating the love of my life.

It all started in English class when he picked up my pencil. It was so romantic! I remember telling him “thank you.” It was just love at first sight! I will never forget that day. The next day was even better; he asked me out! It was official, we were now dating!

I don’t get how adults need dates to get to know each other. I knew it was love that instant!

What I love most about my relationship with the man of my dreams is that we text every second. So when I’m bored in class, I always have his sweet “Ok,” “cool,” “kk” texts to entertain me.  Did I mention that you can really get to know someone over text?  I absolutely love how I can rant about my feelings to him and he answers me with “k.” I mean, after all, they do say “every kiss begins with k!”

Today at school was so amazing! I took around 100 pictures with him and uploaded them on Instagram and Facebook! There are pictures of us kissing, us holding hands, us looking deeply into each other’s eyes, and the classical picture of us hugging.  All of them with the caption “12/14/12 (the day we started dating) love you so much, forever and always.”  All this reminds me that I have to change my relationship status on Facebook to married.

I just saw him a few hours ago and I miss him so much already! Of course I just tweeted that because I want everyone at school to know that I’m taken.  Oh and I forgot to mention that I don’t even think of my ex that I dated last week!

I’m just so happy to say that I finally found love! At lunch, he makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. He takes me to a corner (our special corner), where all the teachers can see and we just make out there. It’s so romantic when teachers tell you to stop and other students stare at you.

Did I mention that he walks me to class? It’s so great to get to walk into class late because I’m busy making out with him once again. I love seeing the looks on other girls’ faces, like they are so jealous of me!

Well, I think this journal entry is done because my boyfriend just texted me saying that we need to talk. He probably just wants to tell me how much he loves me.

Bye for now,
