Taking The Polar Plunge
by Leah Schroeder ’13
For the second year in a row, about 40 Sherwood students were among the hundreds to participate in the 15th annual Polar Plunge sponsored by the Maryland State Police.
The school group participated in the fourth annual Cool Schools Challenge Plunge Frigid Friday, which is exclusively for school teams and took place on January 25, the day before the actual Polar Plunge.
The Plunge asks participants to go into the Chesapeake Bay to raise money for Special Olympics Maryland, the state’s largest year-round organization devoted to sports training and competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Sherwood’s team raised over $4600, contributing to the total amount raised of almost $1.8 million.
Senior and Best Buddies President Cooper Weinberger has participated in the event both years and made a pact this year with friends to go head under.
“It’s insane to jump in the bay in January. You know it’s going to be cold, but you have no idea how cold until you enter the water. I thought the water would freeze over my head,” said Weinberger.