What’s In For 2013
by Katie Mercogliano ’14
As the year comes to an end, The Warrior brings you what is out for 2012 and in for 2013.
IN: Comedies, OUT: Reality Shows
New comedies like “The New Normal” and “The Mindy Project” are bringing witty humor back to late night television, and fortunately beating out pointless reality shows.
IN: Ilana Del Rey, OUT: Adele
Throughout much of 2012, you couldn’t turn on the radio without hearing an Adele song from her Grammy winning album, “21.” But leading into 2013, Lana Del Rey has stolen the spotlight with her re-release of “Born to Die: Paradise Edition,” catching everyone’s attention with her haunting vocals and bold lyrics.
IN: Kendrick Lamar, OUT: Drake
With what is considered one of the best rap albums of the year, “good kid, m.A.A.d city,” Kendrick Lamar is taking over the music industry with his fresh sound, whereas Drake has lost his originality. Kendrick Lamar is carrying out the legacy started by West Coast hip-hop king like Tupac Shakur.
IN: Windows Surface, OUT: iPad
Windows has reinvented the tablet with Windows Surface, making it more versatile than the iPad ever was. Windows Surface is the best of both worlds, with a thin keyboard and a speedy, organized touchscreen.
IN: Classics, OUT: Vampires
Hollywood has been turning books into films for decades. With new films like “The Hobbit” and “Les Miserables,” works of classic literature are returning to the big screen in place of vampire fantasies like “Twilight.”
IN: Robert Griffin III, OUT: Michael Vick
Robert Griffin III has given the Maryland and D.C. area hope, producing victories that Redskins fans never thought were possible. In contrast, Michael Vick has run the Eagles to last place in the division.