Casey Anthony Video Diaries

by Katie Nolan ’12

Anthony's new look, as seen in her video diaries.

This past summer Casey Anthony was cleared of the charges against her proclaiming she had murdered her two-year old daughter, Caylee Anthony. The overwhelming amount of evidence against Anthony angered most Americans who believed she should have been prosecuted.

On January 4th Anthony posted the first of her video diaries to YouTube. In the video she talks about her current situation, ways her life is getting better, the new dog she has adopted, and that she will be leaving her unnamed location around the end of February. In the video, Anthony has dyed her hair blond, cut it short, and invested in glasses; giving her a whole new appearance. Throughout the two-minute video Anthony makes no mention of her daughter or the trial, instead focusing on her own life, “Things are starting to look up and things are starting to change in a good way, they can only get better”.

With the majority of America screaming for her arrest, you’d think Anthony would take this time to defend herself and prove her innocence. What is even worse is how Anthony makes no mention of her young daughter, instead saying that now her life “can only get better”. People don’t care about how Anthony is currently adjusting, in fact I think they’d much prefer it if she made herself invisible to the world. This video diary is just another example of someone taking advantage of a bad situation and trying to gain fame.