Prom Becomes an Exclusively Senior Event

by Michaela O’Donnell ‘13

Due to a lack of ticket sales last year to adequately cover costs for a large venue, this year’s prom will be strictly for seniors only. According to social studies teacher Katie Jaffe, a senior class sponsor, permitting juniors to also buy tickets to prom limited location options. In the future, fewer prom attendees should allow for a more creative venue. Since the majority of prom-goers are seniors, Principal Bill Gregory, after receiving input from the student body, thought it was for the best to have a senior-only prom.

“After surveying students last year, it was clear that the student body wanted to move to senior-only prom,” said Jaffe.

In previous years the cost of prom was to cover the rental of the ballroom, but this year it will also cover a dinner for an additional $20 per student. With a more intimate setting and only the graduating class in attendance, the senior banquet will now be fully incorporated into prom. A slideshow will be viewed and senior superlatives will be announced.