Flashmob Ensues After 5th Period

by Jacob Bogage ’12 and Andrew Wasik ’13

After 5th period Tuesday rowdy sophomores, juniors and seniors took to the hallways as security staff could do nothing to control the crowd of 300-some students until they dispersed four minutes later.

A small group of 15 students gathered in the F-hall bathroom at the beginning of the week after 5th period and soon the group swelled to over 80 students. Security caught wind of the “parties” and rushed to intervene on Friday, but arrived too late to halt the ruckus. The crowd was too massive and the partiers took to the halls to cause a frenzy. The noise was deafening as the students rushed through the halls yelling, crowdsurfing and jumping around.

Sherwood’s small hallways prohibitted students from navigating around the crowd as the flashmob traveled from the F-Hall to the G-Hall. One casualty was reported when a sophomore was helped out of the crowd with a leg injury.

Principal Bill Gregory met with Senior Class President Matt Abrams and other SGA leaders to discuss the event shortly afterwards. Details from the meeting could not be confirmed.

Check The Warrior Online for updates to this story.