Words of Wisdom From Favorite Teachers


“‘It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting” (Paulo Coelho).

Find your purpose: live authentically, live intensely.”

Patty Jasnow


“To shamelessly paraphrase Amy Schumer: Be your own fairy godmother. You decide if you are beautiful. You decide if you are strong. You decide your own story.”
Beth Dibler

“Be ready to encounter obstacles and pitfalls, these are part of life.  Whether it is finances, the death of a loved one, a serious illness, an accident, you will no doubt encounter some obstacle.  Rather than let it get in the way of reaching your goals and living your dreams be persistent and resilient.  Hard work, persistence, and resilience will carry you further toward your dreams than any other abilities you may have been lucky to be born with.”

Cathy Cross


“Remember success is not judged or valued solely in the financial gains one has acquired.  Success is measured in the miles you have traveled to experience new places, lasting friendships you hold close to your heart and the contributions you have made to ensure each day on Earth is a better world because of your own personal actions.”

Jodie Friedman


“Two simple words, yes, and no, will form your future and who you are as a person. Use them wisely and well. And NEVER dumb yourself down in a quest for love and acceptance, because one day you will want people to listen to you and you will have forgotten to use your words.”

Emilia Gonzales


“Love what you do and do what you love…Imagination should be the center of your life” (Ray Bradbury).

Christiane Lock

“Civility is the most powerful arrow in your quiver to make the world a better place.”

Scott Allen

“Ignore advice about the “best majors” that lead to the “best careers”.  Do what you love and do it well, and you will find your own “best career.”

Mary Baker


“See as much of the world as you can, it is one enormous playground!

John Falls


“Keep an open mind and an open heart. Just as there is no limit to how much a mind can learn in a lifetime, there is no limit to how much a heart can love.   Learn deeply, love generously, and welcome new people and new opportunities into your lives.”

Gloria Condelli


“Work, wait and win.  Attend, adapt and acquire.  Read, receive and reason.  Respect, reconcile and resolve.  Investigate, invent and inspire.  Observe, obtain and outwit.  Realize, revitalize and rejoice.  Stand up, support and smile.  WARRIORS 2015!”

Alexandria Green


“Choose your own path. Don’t make your choices based on other people’s expectations.  Keep learning, growing, and exploring. And always take time to enjoy a beautiful day.”

Michelle Games

“Congrats, seniors, on a job well done!  As you “commence” a life beyond Sherwood, I encourage you to pursue a life of joy.  This takes vigilance –  for you must surround yourself with the people, work and things that bring joy, and distance yourself from that which doesn’t.  So aim to keep it simple and find your joy.  All the best, Mrs. Woolley “

Aileen Wooley

“Not my words…but words to live by   “May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been, The foresight to know where you are going, And the insight to know”

when you have gone too far” –Irish Blessing 

Christine McKeldin


“Don’t be afraid to change, or make adjustments to your “course”.  Up until now, a lot of people have been telling you who and what you are.  Only you know what you are.  Mistakes made now will are magnified by time.  And “an error doesn’t become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.” (O.A. Battista)

Thomas Cohan

“Make sure to get involved with something during college.  Whether that is a sports team, intramural sports, research with a professor, or a club, it will help you meet new people and help make college more memorable.  Lastly, try to find a major and then career(s) that makes you happy and lets you live how you want to live.  Good luck.”

Brendan Lee


“Step outside your comfort zone and expose yourself to new cultural experiences.  There is an exciting world out there, explore it!”
Joshua Kinnetz