Written In the Stars: Two Different Zodiacs

By Jonathan Cudd ‘16

Many know of the zodiac signs based on the Babylonians, but few have heard of the Chinese and Native American zodiacs. Zodiacs are based on star constellations that was in one’s birth month or year. For those tired of the normal zodiacs, try your zodiac in a different culture.

There are 12 animals in the Chinese and Native American zodiacs. The Chinese includes the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. Native Americans also use animals since there has been a strong connection between nature and Native American culture. However, they differ from Chinese zodiacs since animals differ from lands. The 12 Native American animals are: the otter, wolf, falcon, beaver, deer, woodpecker, salmon, bear, raven, snake, owl, and goose.

The two differ on characteristics. The Chinese zodiac cycle of animals is based annually, not monthly. The current year is the monkey, last year’s was the goat and so on, through a twelve year cycle. Each year begins on the Chinese New Year during the lunar cycle. The Native American zodiac cycle is closely related to the solar system, and is based monthly on the moon phases.

The two have considerable differences in traditions and attributes. In Chinese tradition, it’s considered bad luck if it is one’s animal’s year because it is believed one is angering the god of age. In order to stop this, a child must wear something red passed down from the older generations. Certain attributes show what a person’s personality is like. However, with every attribute, there is also a contradicting saying that goes with it. For example, the rat is wisdom, but, “wisdom without industriousness leads to triviality.” With these attributes, people can determine if relationships will continue.

Native American signs are from one’s animal totem, the animal spirit one was born under. They differ from a spirit totem since the spirit is not one’s guide. Each sign includes an animal, element, stone, clan, and color. However, all of these vary as there were many tribes in the Americas. Like the other zodiac cultures, one’s animal describes personality traits and how a person interact with others.